Index by Author
[B] [C] [D] [E]
[F] [G] [H] [I]
[J] [K] [L] [M]
[N] [O] [P] [Q]
[R] [S] [T] [U]
[V] [W] [X] [Y]
A [top]
Academy Faculty (1926). The Academy of the New Church 1876-1926: An Anniversary Record. Bryn Athyn, PA: Academy of the New Church, 1926. [Contains 42 Images]
Acton, Alfred W. "Swedenborg in the House of Nobles." The New Philosophy 45.1 (1942): 13243.
Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane. "From Instruction to the Education of Vision: Glencairn Museum." American Arts Quarterly (Fall 2004). [Contains 2 Images]
B [top]
Baker, Gregory L. "Emanuel Swedenborg: An 18th Century Cosmologist." The Physics Teacher (October 1983): 441446.
Bayley, Jonathan. New Church Worthies, or Early but Little-Known Disciples of the Lord in Diffusing the Truths of the New Church. London, England: James Speirs, 1884.
C [top]
Closterman, Wendy. "Past and Present Methodologies of New Church History." 2006.
D [top]
Dawson, Geoffrey P. "The Basis for a New Church View of History." The New Philosophy 75.2 (1972): 191202.
de Maine, Philip and Nan. "A Brief Informal History of the New Church in Middleport, Ohio." New Church Life 112.6 (June 1992): 25963.
Dibb, Andrew M. T. "The New Church in Kenya." New Church Life 113.9 (September 1993): 40912.
Dibb, Andrew M. T. "Kenosis and Exinanition: A Study in Christology." 2005.
Dibb, Andrew M. T. "Servetus, Swedenborg, and the Nature of Salvation." Paper presented at the International Servetus Congress, Barcelona, October 2021, 2006 .
E [top]
Elphick, Derek P. "The New Church in South Florida: From Miami to Boynton Beach." New Church Life 117.7 (July 1997): 31120.
G [top]
Gladish, Robert W. "Tre Amici Artistici: E.B. Browning, Hiram Powers, and William Page in Florence and Rome." Covenant 1.4 (1998): 27391.
Glenn, Amos, and Ed Gyllenhaal. Ancient Churches Lexicon. Glencairn Museum. (Work in progress).
Glenn, Diahnne Halterman. "Bryn Athyn: The Founding of a Religious Community in the Gilded Age." Senior Research Essay. Bryn Athyn College of the New Church, 1994.
Glenn, E. Bruce. Bryn Athyn Cathedral: The Building of a Church. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania: The Bryn Athyn Church of the New Jerusalem, 1971. [Contains 67 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed. "An 1896 Swedenborg Medal Commemorates the Moving of His 'Summerhouse'." Glencairn Museum News 24.2 (2002): 46. [Contains 7 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed. "Family Worship at Cairnwood and Glencairn." Glencairn Museum News 25.2 (2003): 13. [Contains 10 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed, and Kirsten H. Gyllenhaal. "Early Maps of Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, a New Church Community." 2005. [Contains 20 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed, and Brian D. Henderson. "The Role of the Pitcairn Collections in the Decision to Build Glencairn." Glencairn Museum News 27.2 (2005): 13. [Contains 5 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed. "'Feasts of Charity' in the Early Academy." Glencairn Museum News 27.2 (2005): 45. [Contains 6 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed. "Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania: History and Mission." Material Religion 2.1 (2006): 132136. [Contains 5 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed. "A 'New' Old Portrait of Emanuel Swedenborg." Glencairn Museum News 28.1 (2006): 57. [Contains 5 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed. "From Parlor to Castle: The Egyptian Collection at Glencairn Museum." Millions of Jubilees: Studies in Honor of David P. Silverman. Eds. Zahi Hawass and Jennifer Houser Wegner. Cairo, Egypt: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2010. 175203. [Contains 10 Images]
Gyllenhaal, Ed, and Amos Glenn. Ancient Churches Lexicon. Glencairn Museum. (Work in progress).
Gyllenhaal, Kirsten H. "The Academy Seal: As Seen in Three Early Medallions in the Collection of Glencairn Museum." Glencairn Museum News 27.1 (2005): 13. [Contains 5 Images]
H [top]
Henderson, Brian D. "'A Necessary Spring of Popular Government': The Importance of Religion and Public Morality for the Early American Republic." Faith and Learning at Bryn Athyn College of the New Church. Ed. Dan A. Synnestvedt. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania: The Academy of the New Church, 2004. 99119. [Contains 1 Image]
Henderson, Brian D. "From Antislavery Thought to Antislavery Action: The Impact of the Last Judgment and the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg on the Birth of the Antislavery Movement." Conference Paper, Bryn Athyn, PA, October 5, 2007.
Henderson, Brian D., and Ed Gyllenhaal. "The Role of the Pitcairn Collections in the Decision to Build Glencairn." Glencairn Museum News 27.2 (2005): 13. [Contains 5 Images]
K [top]
King, Cairn. "Vaccination Abomination, or Vaccination Upholds the Nation? John Pitcairn and the Struggle Against Compulsory Vaccination." 2006. [Contains 3 Images]
Kintner, William R. "A New Church View of History." New Church Life 87.11 (November 1967): 493505.
L [top]
Lyman, Russel. "Swedenborg's Property." The New Philosophy 56.2 (1953): 4349. [Contains 1 Image]
M [top]
Meyers, Mary Ann. "Messengers of New Light: William Henry Benade and Lillian Grace Beekman." Presentation, Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, PA, September 24, 2004. [Contains 3 Images]
N [top]
Nemitz, Kurt P. "The German Philosophers Leibniz and Wolff in Swedenborg's Philosophic Development." The New Philosophy 97.3 & 4 (1994): 41125.
Nemitz, Kurt P. "100 Years of the New Church in Germany."New Church Life 121.5 (May 2001): 20407.
O [top]
Odhner, C. Th., and Evelyn Frankish Stroh. Bryn Athyn and the Academy of the New Church. Bryn Athyn, PA: Academy of the New Church, 1904. [Contains 32 Images]
Odhner, Cyriel Ljungberg. "Swedenborg's Hobby." New Church Life, 43.2 (February 1923): 6572. [Contains 1 Image]
Otis Clapp, and Crosby, Nichols & Co. (1854). A Portrait of Emanuel Swedenborg: Accurate Views of His Residence and Summer House; a Fac Simile of His Hand-Writing; and Copies of the Gold Medal Presented by the Royal Academy. Boston: Otis Clapp, and Crosby, Nichols & Co., 1854. [Contains 4 Images]
P [top]
Pitcairn, Raymond. "Christian Art and Architecture for the New Church." New Church Life, 40.10 (October 1920): 61124.
R [top]
Rogers, Prescott A. "A History of the Interpretation of the Bible and Swedenborg." Covenant 1.3 (1992): 20167.
Roscoe, David J. "Causation of Historical Events." The New Philosophy 76.1 (1973): 32747.
Rose, Jonathan S. "The Ornaments in Swedenborg's Theological First Editions." Covenant 1.4 (1998): 293362. [Contains 99 Images]
S [top]
Saint, Lawrence. Making of the Glencairn Methuselah Window. A written record kept by Lawrence Saint in the 1920s during the making of the Methuselah window. Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn Archives. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. [Contains 87 Images]
Schreck, Eugene Joseph Emanuel. College Letters. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Academy of the New Church, 188695.
Schreck, Eugene Joseph Emanuel. Early History of the New Church in BirminghamIncluding an Account of the First "New Jerusalem Temple" Erected in the World. London, England: New-Church Press Limited, 1916. [Contains 11 Images]
W [top]
White, France Vinet. Early Childhood Memories in Bryn Athyn and Life on the Farm. Bryn Athyn: France Vinet White, 1987. [Contains 1 Image]
Williams-Hogan, Jane K. "Swedenborg: A Biography." Swedenborg and His Influence. Ed. Erland J. Brock. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania: The Academy of the New Church, 1988. 327.
Williams-Hogan, Jane K. "Light and Dark in the Art of Edgar Allan Poe (18091849)." Conference Paper, University of Sydney, 2002.
Williams-Hogan, Jane K. "Swedenborg Studies 2002: "On the Shoulders of Giants"." The New Philosophy 105.1&2 (2002): 22351.
Williams-Hogan, Jane K. "History: Developing a New Church Perspective." Faith and Learning at Bryn Athyn College of the New Church. Ed. Dan A. Synnestvedt. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania: The Academy of the New Church, 2004. 15975.
Z [top]
Zuber, Devin. "The Sage and His Mystic: Ralph Waldo Emerson and Emanuel Swedenborg." 2005.