College Letters

College Letter No. X
August 12th, 1891
Letter Heading and Date
For Private use of Members of the Academyof the New Church. Please read carefully, and, when read, return immediately to the undersigned.
No. X, __ Philadelphia, August 12th, 1891=122.
DEAR FRIEND:—Not long after the last College Letter was sent, the members of the Academy residing in Philadelphia partook of a very enjoyable common supper, prepared by the ladies at the instigation of Councilor Childs, in the Hall of the Academy.
IN response to the toast to our beloved Academy, the Vice-Chancellor spoke of the question which has probably arisen in the mind of every member, whether the Academy will continue to exist permanently and prosper. We know of bodies of the Church that have been begun and after a period have come to an end, and as the existence of the Academy has been threatened from time to time, from within and without, the question of its permanence naturally suggests itself. But we should not be concerned about this, it is in the hands of the Divine Providence. Every one, however, can be concerned about his determining in his own mind to do his part for the common body, to learn the principles conducive to harmony and concord. Working to a common end produces harmony. In the general body, the LORD is the End of all ends, from this comes harmony, concord, mutual love, when we shun evils as sins against Him. Love to the LORD and mutual love are the two olive trees, the two witnesses. When these two are established in the mind and life, then there is harmony, and when this exists then there is light; when there is discord, there is shade. In a state of harmony we see the way before us, and we can walk in it. Problems continually arise before us, new paths are cut out for us, where every step is new, and the new problems cause the question to arise repeatedly, "What is right to do?" Sometimes we are in shade; there may be a difference of views between us and in us, and there is from this a loss of illustration. We can only do what the LORD gives us to see. But we can never doubt the fundamental truths of the Academy. In them we must go ahead in faith and confidence, removing any lack of confidence in one another. Then we can go ahead without fear.
Among the toasts that followed, was one to the "Schools of the Academy," when the singing of "Alma Mater," the new school song, was called for, which was first used on the occasion of the celebration of Swedenborg's Birthday, chronicled in New Church Life for March, pages 63, 64, and the following.
[To the Tune of "Die Wacht am Rhein."]
"What name resounds more sweet than thine,
Beloved School! For gifts Divine,
For life and light, received through thee,
We render thanks, Academy!
CHORUS:—"Dear Alma Mater, hear our song!
Our love and trust to thee belong!
Firm ever stand thy sons to guard thy name,
And true thy daughters watch thy sacred flame!
"May thy beloved altars stand
Through every age, in every land!
And may thy heavenly uses be
Forever blessed, Academy!
CHORUS:—"Dear Alma Mater," etc.
In the course of the evening the last College Letter was read, and suggested several toasts.
The pamphlet printed by our fellow-Collegiate, Mr. C. J. Whittington, entitled, "A correspondence between the Minister and Conference Representative of a Society of the New Church, and a then Member of the same Society, on the subject of the resolution passed by the Conference respecting certain teaching of New Church Life," was distributed, and the information was imparted that he was the "Member," Dr. Rudolph L. Tafel, the "Minister," and Mr. F. A. Gardiner, the "Representative" who figure in the correspondence. The clear and convincing argumentation of Mr. Whittington, presenting the subject from a layman's point of view, may lead some to an affirmative attitude toward it, who have not been reached by the articles in the Life, and it is warmly recommended for use in the conflict about the important good and truth involved.
As in the last two years, so this year the "Nineteenth of June" was celebrated at Cairnwood, near Huntingdon Valley Post-office, in Moreland Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. From Beth Ayres Station on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, where visitors from Philadelphia alight, the road rises steadily until it reaches Cairnwood, about a mile and a half distant. It is said to be the highest point in the county. The property belongs to Councilor Pitcairn, and has been occupied for the past two summers by Councilor Glenn and his family. A charming view is afforded from this hill, which is surrounded by an undulating country filled with prosperous farms, where fields of green maize vie with the golden waving grain, while darker clumps of woodland give greater diversity to the scene. The hill is partly wooded, and among the trees on the crest of the hill a commodious tabernacle had been raised; not far off was a dining-tent, and four or five other smaller tents that clustered about the two larger ones helped to give the whole the appearance of a camp, and reminded one forcibly of the time when in the representative Churches men lived in tents, and worshiped the LORD in tabernacles, on high hills and in groves. A temporary repository had been erected in the tabernacle, and was furnished with a copy of the Word, a complete set of the Writings in Latin, and necessary works of reference. These preparations had been made largely in view of the meeting of Councils of the General Church of the Advent of the LORD, which was begun on the 10th of June, and lasted a week.
After the usual opening ceremony and worship, Associates Hyatt and Wells, by request of the Council, presented Misses Eliza Mitchell, Wilhelmine Roschmann and Harriet S. Ashley, for reception into the Academy.
was in substance as follows:
"The future historian of the New Church, when he comes to write up the part of the Church's history represented by the story of the Academy, will, like a wise man, trace the movement in which we are engaged, through the states of thought and affection operative in the founding of the Academy back to the antecedent states that led to the severing of old connections, and inaugurated the new movement. These states involved more than merely intellectual differences with those with whom the founders of the Academy had previously co-operated. They involved opposing conceptions of the order of the Church, and radically diverse understandings of her fundamental doctrines.
"In early days, under the prevalence of human conceit, men undertook to establish the external order of the Church's government and ritual from their own intelligence, and out of materials left standing in their minds from the Old Church, which they had doctrinally discarded. Adopting such forms as they deemed appropriate, they were drawn into a confusion of things spiritual with things natural. There were others who then saw that this confusion would become worse confounded, unless the order of the Church's government and worship were derived solely from the LORD in the Revelation of His present appearing in the world. Thus was brought to the light an actually existing difference and opposition of convictions within the bounds of the external Church. It soon became apparent that the radical cause of this difference lay in the opposite conceptions of the nature and consequences of the Second Coming of the LORD. The one conception presented the Heavenly Doctrines as the LORD Himself, appearing in accommodation to the state of the human understanding and thus giving to the Revelation, in which this appearing took place, the Divine authority of His own Divine Human Word in the Writings for the New Church instituted by this Coming. In this fundamental Truth of the Second Advent of the LORD the Academy of the New Church had its beginning, a beginning rendered necessary by existing conditions of thought and affection in the minds of the men of the External New Church. From the influences operative with those who were active in developing this conception of the nature of the Second Coming of the LORD, and from the zeal given to them, and upholding their hands in spite of the opposition to the movement, often as unscrupulous as it was violent, the Academy, once established, held on its way and grew apace. The facts concerning this movement, thus briefly stated, will be seen by the future historian of the New Church in the light that will be shed from heaven on the past of the Church's existence, and by which will be formed the judgment of the men of the Church in coming time, to the effect that the Academy, so far from having come to disturb and divide the Church, came to heal the breaches made by false doctrines and to restore order by directing the minds of men to the LORD, who is Order itself and the Divine Organizer and Ruler of His Kingdom on the Earths as in the Heavens. It is known to the Angels, and above all the heavens to the LORD, that this supreme acknowledgment of Him in the Divine Revelation of His Second Coming, and in all that is involved in that Revelation and Coming lies at the foundation of the Academy of the New Church. On this foundation the Academy rests at the present day, and we believe that it was of the LORD's moving in mercy that we were led into the course adopted by us, and that He before Whom lay open the whole future of the Church led to the ultimate establishment among men on earth of that eternal, basic Truth without the presence and living operation of which the New Church cannot possibly exist and become the Divine means of saving souls and conjoining earth and Heaven and human souls with the LORD in Heaven.
"Academicians need often to recall and strongly to emphasize this fundamental Truth concerning the LORD's presence and the manner of it in His Church. He is in the midst of us in Books written by Him through His servant Swedenborg, and by means of those Books He manifests Himself continually to the understandings of those who go forth to meet Him at His Coming. Without such an appearing and transformation on the Mountain of His Divine Love, no flesh could be saved.
"All who enter into the Academy will confess these foundations of the Church and will hold themselves pledged to maintain them before men and angels and above all before the LORD. Their performance of the uses of this Church is the practical evidence of their confession, and a constant reminder of the source and origin of the Order of the Body of which they are members, and of the duty of the service of Him Whose Will is Love and Use, whose Wisdom is Order itself in the performance of All Uses, Spiritual and Natural, which go to make up the Kingdom of the Heavens."
The Chancellor then heard the acceptance by the novitiates of their selection for reception into the Academy, and formally received them into the Associate Membership.
Collegiates Eugene J. E. Schreck and George G. Starkey, by request of the Council, then presented Associates Enoch S. Price, C. Theophilus Odhner, Fred E. Wælchli, and Leonard G. Jordan for installation into the College, and they were duly and formally installed into that degree of the Academy.
WHEN this ceremony had been completed, the Chancellor proceeded to put into effect the decision arrived at by the two Bishops of the Academy: to complete the establishment of the Priesthood of the Academy. He ordained Candidates O. Homer Synnestvedt and Joseph E. Rosenqvist into the first degree of the Priesthood, and installed Ministers Enoch S. Price, C. Theophilus Odhner, and Fred E. Wælchli into the second degree of the same, and then announced that the Priesthood of the Academy as at present constituted was vested in the following Priests:
Bishop Benade, Bishop W. F. Pendleton.
Pastors Edward C. Bostock, Eugene J. E. Schreck, Andrew Czerny, Enoch S. Price, C. T. Odhner, Fred E. Wælchli, Edward S. Hyatt, N. Dandridge Pendleton.
Ministers of the first grade, William Henry Acton, Joseph E. Rosenqvist, O. Homer Synnestvedt.
Accepted Candidates, John Stephenson, Alfred Acton, and Joseph E. Boyesen.
The sacrament of the Holy Supper was then administered by Bishop Benade, assisted by the novitiate Pastors.
OWING to the rain which prevailed during the day, and which drenched the dining-tent, the dinner was spread in the assembly-tent.
The first toast,
"The Academy of the New Church: its origin and promise,"
was drunk in the Loving Cup, filled with Old Cama de Lobos Madeira."Friends of the Academy!" said the Chancellor, "After severe admonition, I have come to the conclusion that it is about time for me to decline responding to toasts. Let me add a few words:
The LORD says, 'Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.' The 'two or three' of the Academy have gathered together in the Name of the LORD from the beginning. He is in the midst. He will carry the work begun in Him to His end and finish it. It is His work. The promise of the Academy is in the past and in that work which the LORD has given it to do. Let us look forward, hopefully and joyously, rejoicing together in our union of common ends and uses, as of common thoughts, derived from the teachings of the LORD. Let us unite in a happy looking to the future of our beloved Academy.
"To—day has witnessed the complete development of the priesthood of the Academy. It stands with us in three degrees, ultimated in a form which is a sign to us of the fulfillment of the LORD's promise to be in our midst. This Priesthood is a representative of His Presence and Government, and on it He has laid the duty of teaching men the truth and leading by the truth, to good, and we may well believe that this use is to be continued, and that those who have joyously wrought in it will be kept in the work in this life and in the next. The Academy is a Church that exists not only for time, but also for eternity.
"We may hope to be together in the other world, as we are united here in one common end, purpose, thought, and working. Though together here only a short time, the union hereafter will be eternal. As the love here is strong, so that love binds us together in a heavenly form of uses. There will always be some of us who are going into the other world to work there. Those remaining are to perform here the great use of education.
"The Cup has come round to me again, and as I lift this loving cup I drink to the eternal brotherhood of the Academy!"
This sentiment was responded to by all breaking forth with "So say we all of us," and by the singing of an old favorite verse of Father Benade's, which has been set to the tune of v. Weber's "Mit dem Pfeil, dem Bogen" (an aria from "Freisehütz"):
"Let us love one another
With hearts pure and true;
Let us love one another,
As bright angels do."
Vice-Chancellor Pendleton called attention to the fact that this day marked the beginning of the fifteenth year of the Academy's life, and the end of the fourteenth. "In the story of Laban and Jacob, which we have been reading in our morning lessons, seven years are called 'a week.' The Academy is at the end of the second week of its existence. At the end of the first seven years it was proclaimed that the Academy is a Church. This is fundamental to the life of the body. The present is the first celebration of the Academy since the separation of the General Church of the Advent of the LORD from the General Convention, or of the Academy from the Convention. We can look forward with confidence. We are now at the beginning of the establishment of a real spiritual Church on earth."
To the toast,
"The Academy: its progress and increase,"
Councilor Bostock, of London, England, replied: "Before responding to this toast, I wish to express my pleasure at once more being at the centre of uses of the Academy, to celebrate together with you, not only the establishment of the New Church in the other world, but also the establishment of the Academy of the New Church, to perform the uses of the Church.
"The Academy has made great progress in many respects. I shall not attempt to review it all, but I wish to recall to memory its progress in one thing: in the understanding of the LORD as He has made His Second Coming. The Academy is, to-day, clearer on this subject than ever before. It sees Him more clearly in the Doctrines in which He comes. From that will come its progress in the future. Every advance in spiritual life consists in receiving the Divine Truth, and removing the proprium; and, seeing the LORD more clearly will result in increase in spiritual knowledge and in progress. The LORD is all in all. The more clearly we see Him as He comes in the Divine Love and Wisdom, the more can we grow in spiritual life, and from our progress in that, will arise increase in numbers. Each one should do his duty in this respect. Every member has a responsibility that he make progress in spiritual growth. It is not enough to know and be convinced of the Truth; one must live according to it. As we see more clearly in our understandings, we must conform our wills to it, our life. The Church consists of generals and particulars. Upon the spiritual growth of the individuals depends the growth of the whole. It is our solemn duty to progress in clearer understanding and in a better life, for the growth of the Academy depends on our growth.
"If each and all will realize that and act accordingly, then nothing on earth or in hell can stop the progress of the Academy!"
You may imagine, dear Friend, how these words, spoken with conviction and zeal, called forth a like conviction and zeal in the minds and hearts of all of us who listened to them, and strengthened our resolution to do each for himself that which will promote the safety of the Academy and of himself.
The next toast
"The Academy—a Church,"
was responded to by Associate Hyatt, who said:
"There is one thing that makes the Church: Charity. Where this is, the Church cannot be divided and torn apart, but it remains one. The separation of the General Church from the General Convention has proved that one or the other cannot have charity, and therefore cannot be a Church.
"There is no other means to form the Church at this day than the Revelation specially given for that purpose. Each previous Church has been formed from its own special Revelation. That which has been given for the New Church has been so mixed up with mere human intelligence in its reception by those who form the bulk of the Convention, that no Church has been ultimated there, and those who have wished to have a Church which would really attempt to ultimate the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem have been obliged to separate and look to a distinct organization. This we have in the Church of the Academy.
"The Academy is not only a Church, but it is also an internal Church, and needs its own external. The reception of Conjugial Love pre-eminently forms the internal of a Church. The Academy has been distinguished by its endeavor to promote the reception of the doctrines concerning Conjugial Love into the life, and that has led to its adopting the internal and closely related use of education. But the more internal a Church is the more external it has to be. We read in the letter of the Word of the time when every man will dwell under his own vine and under his own fig-tree. We dwell under our own vine when we love to ultimate the Doctrines specially given for the formation of the New Church. And we also, and especially, dwell under our own fig-tree when we give allegiance to those altogether new laws given to the Church in the Second Part of Conjugial Love. These refer to that which is most external, for they are laws outside of Conjugial Love itself given for the purpose of leading to the reception of that love. The Academy has been most prominent in the use of teaching both those internal and those external laws relating to Conjugial Love—those which are the most internal of the Church, and those which are the most external.
"If this be true, then the Academy appears to cover the whole ground of the Church, for between that internal and that external all things of the Church are included, and no room is left for any Church not in some way connected with it. I am ready to be taught otherwise. We are about to have a long discussion concerning the position which the General Church of the Advent should occupy, and I therefore reserve to myself the right to change my opinion as I receive more light on the subject, but at present it appears to me that if an external Church be formed, not in some way connected with the internal uses which the Academy performs, it cannot but come to the same end which has overtaken the Convention, and ultimately, as promises to be the case with Convention, be swallowed up in the Old Church. Thus I am inclined to regard the Academy not only as a Church but as the only Church."
The following letter from the champion of the cause in England was read:
"To the Rt. Reverend The Chancellor, To the Councilors, the Collegiates, and the Associates of the Academy of the New Church.
"My BELOVED BRETHREN:—Permit me to offer to you my heartfelt greetings on this notable day, June the 19th, and to express the fervent hope that you will have a very pleasant and useful celebration.
"The LORD in His mercy has led on our beloved ACADEMY into paths of great usefulness, and has caused it to be an inestimable blessing to many. To it belongs the great privilege of stirring up those who desire to follow the LORD, and of provoking the great judgments which have been made in the nominal New Church, both with you and with us in this country. The superficiality and hypocrisy of the nominal Church tremble before the very mention of the name of the Institution we love. It is impossible for man to estimate what the LORD has done by means of our dear Academy. The LORD strengthen the hearts and hands of you who are in the centre of its work, and also increase our strength to work loyally and faithfully with you.
"All your brethren in this country send you hearty greetings.
With my whole heart, believe me, in the ACADEMY, to be
"Your Brother,
"LONDON, ENGLAND, June, 1891.
"Vive l' Académie!"
On the conclusion of the reading, our toast-master, Councilor Childs, broke forth into singing, to the notes of "Hoch soll er leben,"
"Truth bright and glorious,
Make Him victorious,
The Vice-Chancellor proposed that we send a message of loving sympathy to brother Tilson, who has proved himself a hero in the fight, upholding the cause in England for a long time. The Vice-Chancellor spoke of the assaults upon Mr. Tilson, and concluded with the words, "We have tried to do what we could for him. We sent him a man to stand by his side."
Councilor Bostock expressed the great pleasure it would be to him to take the message of love and sympathy to Mr. Tilson. To take it in personally, and to take it to him. He expected that when he returned to England he would fairly boil over with the good things he was receiving here. He hoped to do four times as much work as before. Filled with love and affection by this meeting, he thought that they two would be as good as six in the fight.
The next toast was to
"The Academy and the Education of the Church,"
To which Collegiate Schreck responded in substance as follows:
"The Church needs education. Under the LORD, by the instrumentality of the Academy, an education has been effected which has led to a certain measure of spiritual life. But there are many indications of further need of the education which the Academy alone can give. This need exists not only in the New Church at large, it exists in our midst also. Baptism introduces us into the Church, and teaches the necessity of education, and this education is needed by the individuals and by the body. There is nothing in us but 'wounds and bruises and putrefying sores.' Whatever the LORD may have done through us, we must not forget that He has done it, and that we need to go to Him for help, that He may guide and instruct us to bring us out of our evil condition. The LORD is actually, personally, and essentially present among us. In His Presence let us humble ourselves, remove what would turn us from His Presence and from His Divine instruction.
"The important educational use of the Academy cannot be fully performed unless we realize our condition. As the Chancellor teaches in the beginning of his Conversations on Education, it is necessary not only to know the object but also the subject of education.
"The Academy's work is a priestly, all-embracing one. It is the work of the LORD. The instrumentalities which He has given us for the doing of this work are varied. The principal ones, thus far, have been our schools and our publications. The principal doctrine which is the object of our education is that concerning the LORD as the Word, Who, as the Word, has made His Second Coming. This doctrine has been growing clearer and clearer in the understanding of the Academy. It requires our continued study. The progress of the Academy on this subject has brought on the judgment both in this country and in England. This should teach us the important lesson: to keep our vision steadfastly directed toward the LORD, and to recognize His operation in the Church. Selfishness and worldliness frequently cause doubts to arise in regard to the LORD's work here. Such doubts must be and are dispersed by a childlike confidence and trust in the LORD and in His operation through those human agencies that have been established according to the Divine Order that He has given us to see. The evidences of the LORD'S presence and government with us have been most manifest. Occasionally one could almost feel the Hand of the LORD in the conclusions and operations of the Council. And although the governors of the Academy are imperfect, and make mistakes, yet we must not permit our confidence to be shaken, for the LORD Himself is the High-Priest of the Academy. There is no other. He will lead us as He has done to the past, in spite of the imperfections that necessarily attend human counsels and deeds. It is hell that inspires doubts and questions which lead to a denial of the progress of the Church under the LORD's leading.
"One of the first principles in the Education of the Church is the establishment of utmost and childlike reliance on the LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is stated to be the universal of faith on the part of man, 'That he should believe in the LORD, for by believing in Him, conjunction with Him is effected, by which is salvation. To believe in Him is to have trust that He saves, and because no one can have this trust but he that lives well, therefore this is also understood by believing in Him' (T. C. R. 2).
"We have been educating men, youths, adolescents, and children. Education must begin with the infant. In educating young people for marriage, we must give them particular instruction that will fit them to be good educators of the infants born to them, for our education must be a consistent and orderly one from the mother's arm. The parents must co-operate rationally and spiritually with the LORD during the infant life, for then most interior remains are stored up.
"This co-operation extends to the school-life of the children. At present, many parents, although well disposed, cannot co-operate fully with the teachers for want of proper preparation for their important functions as parents. Some are ignorant, others are indifferent. If the Academy does its duty, the coming generation can do better. But we must begin now to effect this improvement.
"All parents need to take this matter to heart: to co-operate fully and intelligently with the schools. We teachers cannot do our work well with the children unless we have such co-operation; although even then our common work will be far from perfect. We all need to be better educated for our uses, we need constant instruction, and I hope that the Chancellor will be enabled, in the coming year, to teach us, parents and teachers, so that we may each and all progress together in this noble use. The teachers cannot perform the work alone, neither can the parents; we must labor together.
"The severe temptation through which we passed since the Decennial, was permitted, among other reasons, to confirm the principle that when the education of children is given into the hands of the priesthood, their function of education extends beyond the school-walls even into the home. There, however, it does not manifest itself in the personal supervision which obtains in the school, but in a full, rational and intelligent co-operation of the parents with the directions of the teachers.
"I have extended my remarks, and yet not touched upon several things I desired to say. A few words in regard to the publication instrumentality. The Academy's work of education in the Church at large is principally carried on by the Life, the Monthly, and the Tidings. We should be thankful that there are as many as three journals teaching that the LORD JESUS CHRIST reigns, and that He is to be obeyed. In three countries, the United States, Great Britain, and Canada, the Gospel of the New Church is proclaimed by these journals, and the judgments that have taken place are largely due to their instrumentality. These judgments have freed us from the established general Church bodies, and we can now proceed in freedom and adopt whatever externals may be necessary properly to ultimate our work."
After a conversation, prompted by these remarks, the toast,
"The New Priests and the New Priesthood,"
was responded to by Collegiate Wælchli, who said:
"We are taught in the Doctrines that the Church grows from the priesthood. Now that the Academy has established its priesthood, it shall have a growth therefrom such as has never existed before; a growth not numerical, but interior, arising from the worship of the LORD in His Divine Human as revealed in the Second Advent; a growth in the love of following His Revelation in all things.
"The Academy instructs its priesthood. Without that preparation there would not be much hope for the future. Since the Academy has its own priesthood, and men are ordained into the work of educating others for that office, there will be a higher standard of ability in the priesthood than ever before.
"The priesthood is now in order. Where there is order there is progress. By the establishment of an orderly priesthood the Academy comes into new life.
"In order that the priesthood may perform its work, there should be co-operation on the part of those to whom it ministers. Without this co-operation the priesthood cannot do its work; but the greater the co-operation the more easily and more thoroughly can it do it, for with greater reception by those taught comes greater ability on the part of the teacher.
"As to the new Priests of the Academy—we who were ordained to-day—I will say that we shall try to do faithfully that work into which the LORD has brought us. May He give us strength to carry it faithfully on, remembering that the work which we are doing is not our work, but His."
In response to the toast:
"The New Collegiate and Associate Members,"
Collegiate Jordan said:—"No one could be inducted into such an office as that into which we were introduced this day without a certain degree of preparation for it and its uses, and it is natural that the response should come from one who is a recipient of such a favor. However unexpectedly called upon, he must be somewhat ready to speak to the sentiment.
"There cannot be elation of spirit in the introduction to the Collegiate and Associate grades of the Academy. There is profound humility in thus being brought face to face with the underlying principles of it. The occasion recalls the impression produced at my induction into this body. That deep impression is not less profound upon its repetition. Then the conviction that the Academy is truly a Church comes home to one. Then he sees that the Life of the world is the Light of the world, and that this is the LORD in his Divine Human visible in the Writings which reveal the 'Angelic Word.'
"Upon advancing into grades of use or official functions in the world men may easily be led to something of self-gratulation, to feel that something of honor attaches to themselves. Here there can only be the question how to become useful in the new relation. And if with the humility there is anything of hopefulness that this may result, it arises from the knowledge that the LORD, Who is All in All, out of the humblest instrumentalities may fashion something fit for His use.
"May we come into closer union with all that renders us more capable of receiving the LORD in His Second Coming, known to us in His Word by the Books on which was written, 'This Book is the Coming of the LORD.'"
The Toast-Master announced that the regular toasts were over, and the general conversation turned on the priesthood and the laity, and the temptations that all have to undergo; also on the brotherhood of the Academy, and the duty of standing together to advance its cause, by following the Truth implicitly.
Among the informal toasts was one to "Father Benade," for whom Bishop Pendleton said that in what he has done in the past, he had simply followed the path of duty, "He dared not do otherwise."
A FEW days after the Nineteenth of June, the Council met and decided that the Academy would begin its own regular external worship, at the time and place that occasion should require.
MEETING ON JULY 2D, 122. top
ON July 2d, at five o'clock in the evening, a meeting of the Academy was held at the farm-house where Councilor Pitcairn and his family are spending the summer, situate about half a mile distant from Cairnwood.
Services were conducted by the Vice-Chancellor. Associates Hyatt and Wells presented Candidate J. F. Potts for reception into the Academy. The responsive service between the officiating priest and the presenters consisted, for the first time in such a ceremony in the Academy, in the reading of the Internal Sense by the Priest and the reading of the Literal Sense by the presenters. This part of the ceremony was from the Psalms xxiv and cxviii. The following is
"The Academy is a Church of the LORD, founded on the fundamental Doctrine of the Coming of the LORD, the Redeemer, to accomplish a Last judgment, to effect a Redemption, to form a New Heaven, and to institute a New Church by a New Revelation of Divine Truth, which is Himself, out of the letter of the Word. The life of this Church has its centre in the spiritual use of charity, which is concerned with the instruction of children and youth in the Doctrines of the Church, in all science and knowledge from those Doctrines, and with their education in the life of faith and charity, as manifested in those Doctrines by revelation from the LORD. The will and understanding of this larger or aggregate human form of life are to be in the neighborly love of this use, and in the light of the faith formed by that revelation. In order to the more complete accomplishment of its ends, the Church of the Academy has formed a Corporation, acknowledged by the civil authorities of the land, and gifted with various powers by the same authorities. This Corporation or corporate body under a charter obtained from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, consists of a Board of Directors or of Finance, and a Council of twelve adjoined to it. The body of Associate members constitute the Church of the Academy, and from them the Directors and the Council have drawn a number of persons to constitute a College, to which is assigned the duty of assisting the Directors and Council in the performance of certain uses, whenever called upon so to do. To the College is given the charge of the Orphanage of the Academy, and from its number are drawn the Professors and Head-Masters of the Schools.
"The Academy being a Church of the LORD, established according to the order revealed by the LORD, is under a Hierarchy or Priestly Government. After some delay, owing to the necessities of the case, the Hierarchy or Priesthood of the Academy has come into a complete trinal form, with two Priests in the third or highest degree, eight in the second or Pastoral degree, and three in the first degree. This completion of the form of the Priesthood was accomplished at the late anniversary meeting on the 19th of June, and will make this annual meeting of our body memorable in the history of our body by having given to its organization a fullness of preparation for the orderly performance of its ecclesiastical uses heretofore lacking.
"With growth in the development of internal order, we may look for growth in the development of uses, and in the stature, health, and vigor of the body, as a larger man before the LORD. In Him and His merciful Help let us put our trust, and to Him let us confide our hopes and expectations, and Him let us praise for His wonderful works in the past, and for the glorious opening of the future revealed in His Second Coming for the redemption and salvation of the human race."
AFTER the ceremony of initiation and attendant worship, the friends were invited into the dining-room, to a light luncheon. Here, in course of time, a toast was proposed to "The Academy of the New Church," Councilor Pitcairn calling upon Associate Potts to respond, which he did, in the following words:
"I wish I could express my happiness in being among you, brothers and sisters of the Academy, but it is impossible.
"I regard this as one of my most important steps in life. Perhaps the most important next to my marriage. I find especial happiness in being last amongst you. It is not easy for the natural man to learn to be last and least, but the spiritual man knows no real happiness or greatness until he has learnt the lesson to be the least. Understand that I am happy, fully happy, in the consciousness of being least amongst you.
"I am not alone among you. One, a part of myself, though not visibly here is amongst us. I wish she were visibly here. If she were, she would be fully a member of the Academy as much as I. So with the other members of the family. I hope it will not be long before I have the happiness of presenting them all to you."
After the pleasurable emotion these words called forth had been suitably expressed by the company in the usual way, the Vice-Chancellor stated: "I express for myself the gratification that Brother Potts has become to day a member of the Academy. I saw him when he first came to America some years ago. I did not see much of him, but I liked him. When I saw him in Glasgow last summer, I loved him. I found a family united in the Church. That is so rare outside of our borders that it was a surprise and a delight to me. They seemed to be in the Church in the true sense. I was impressed with the conviction that Brother Potts then was with us. It gives me great satisfaction that these two have come into our midst together on this day.
"We rejoice when a member enters the Academy. We are told that the angels in heaven rejoice on new accessions to their number. So we, though like them, first looking to quality, after that look to numbers in which to be delighted. We have not made much of numbers, but are looking at quality. If numbers increase as a result of this, we rejoice."
Collegiate Schreck, referring to the birth into the other world of Gertrude, the youngest child of Councilor and Mrs. Childs, which had taken place that day, and to the birth into this world of a girl to Associate and Mrs. Asplundh, proposed a toast to "The fruitful increase of the Academy in this world and in the next," which was followed by a toast to the " Schools of the Academy." (Associate Asplundh's babe, it may be stated in passing, also departed this world a week or two later.)
The toast, "The Academy in England," was responded to by Councilor Bostock, who said:
"We think that the Academy is being established more and more on a sound basis. When I first arrived in England I found that not all of the members had a clear idea what the Academy is. They still need instruction, but they are clearer on that point. In times past they regarded it as a sort of organization in the New Church with which they could co-operate if they wished to, and so thinking in time they formed another organization, the New Church Educational Institute, and took others into it. They did not see that charity and loyalty required their performance of uses in England in the Academy. Mr. Whittington said that in times past he did not know what the Academy was. But it is now being established more and more on a firm basis, because on the Truth that the Academy is a Church organized by the LORD. He gives the truths by which the Church is organized. To the Academy and Divine Truth we owe our loyalty, and in their sphere we must do the work of the Academy in England.
"Because they are coming more and more to see that, and have more meetings, they come more and more into the Truth by which the Academy is established. It has a great use to perform in England. The Church there scarcely exists. The Church is in ignorance and in falsities into which it has been led by the neglect of its leaders. But we must assume that there are remains there. As the Academy is established little by little we shall have a Church where truths are taught and brought into life, and uses performed. We hope and trust that the LORD will then lead them to that in which they will receive Him.
"I have tried to impress upon the members there that we must have something of a real Church to which to lead the remains, before we try to bring them to it, else they will be subjected to persecution and destruction by the Dragon.
"We hope to establish a Church where the LORD is acknowledged in everything, in worship and in instruction. We must establish centres, and then the LORD will bring to them those who can receive, who hitherto have been hidden.
"We hope that by persistent teaching and the establishing of centres of the Church and of the Academy for teaching the Doctrines, many, of whom we do not know now, will be led to the Truth."
THE Chancellor announced that in the fall it was hoped Academy worship would be commenced in Philadelphia. Subsequently to this meeting the Chancellor appointed Bishop Pendleton to take charge of the worship in Philadelphia.
THE Council also made the statement that the Academy, as it moved on slowly, has come to the conclusion that there should be a differentiation between the Church of the Academy and the Corporation of the Academy. The entire membership of the Academy with its priesthood constitute the Church, but only the Council and Directors constitute the Corporation, which exists for civil purposes.
The Chancellor was of the opinion that if these two things were known and understood, the relation of the Academy to the New Church in general would be better understood, and that there would be an amelioration of the state now existing. The bare mention of the Academy hitherto has called forth all sorts of malicious statements. If it is understood that the Academy has a Corporation, and a Church with public worship, members will have greater freedom to seek such instruction as is necessary for their states.
The Vice-Chancellor called attention to the fact that this distinction meets the requirements of the civil law, and also preserves our own order which, in many cases, is opposed to the civil law.
ON July 20th, the resignation tendered by Bishop Tuerk, both as Councilor and as Member of the Academy, was accepted.
SEVERAL errors occurred in the last College Letter. Mr. Bowers's initials are J. E. Among the ladies who have ceased to be members of the Academy by virtue of the dissolution of their husband's connection with it is Mrs. Arthur Faraday. Miriam Smith, not Miriam Wells, was born at North Wales on October 6th, 1889.
SINCE the last College Letter the following births have taken place among us: Homer Schnberger, Allegheny City, Pa., April 10th; Madefrey Alethes Odhner (a boy), Philadelphia, Pa., April 25th; Kenneth Eugene Hicks, Philadelphia, Pa., May 2d; Irene Burnham, Chicago, Ill., May 13th; Fidelia Aura Ottley, London, England, May 15th (departed this life May 16th); —— Rosenqvist, Berlin, Ont., Can., July 21st; Ora Evelyn Stroh, Berlin, Ont., Can., July 23d.
THE addresses of the new members are: Mr. Alvin E. Nelson, 565 West Superior Street, Chicago, Ill.; Miss Wilhelmine Roschmann, care Bishop Benade, 1935 Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Harriet S. Ashley, 1821 Wallace Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Eliza Mitchell, care Mr. W. C. Childs, 567 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
THE Catalogue of all the schools of the Academy for the year 1890-91, giving particulars concerning the professors, teachers, pupils, and branches of instruction, may be obtained from Mr. Carl Hj. Asplundh, 1821 Wallace Street, Philadelphia, at ten cents a copy.
Eugene J. E. Schreck
Corresponding Secretary
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